We have a
valuable group of undergraduate and graduate students who study Language Theory together with Neuroscience of Language.

The lab´s PI is Aniela Improta França, (LATTES / ORCID  ResearcherID / Loop / Google Scholar), Full Professor of Linguistics, member of the Graduate Linguistics Program and current Dean of Graduate Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Neuropsychophysiology of Language

Semantics of Duration / Time Perception in Language Processing
Prof. Thiago Oliveira da Motta Sampaio (UNICAMP)

Sentence Processing: Intra-sentential binding, subject-object assymetries; focus-topic operations, recursion: direct and indirect; control constructions and infinitive inflexion; complements vs adjucts
Ana Luiza Henriques Tinoco Machado (PhD Student/ CAPES)
​Juliana Novo Gomes (PosDoc)
Prof. Marije Soto (UERJ)
​Prof. Marcus Maia  (PPG em Linguística UFRJ)
Prof. Diego Leite de Oliveira (Dep. Orientais e Eslavas UFRJ)
Prof. Marcello Modesto (USP)

Syntactic Basis for the bioelectrical signals: Lexical Access and Syntactic integration of N400 and P600
Profa. Aline Gesualdi Manhães (CEFET-Rio)
Juliana Novo Gomes (PosDoc)
Profa. Marije Soto  (UERJ)
​Profa.  Aleria Lage (UFRJ)
​Mayara de Sá Pinto (mestranda CNPq)
Isadora Rodrigues de Andrade (CAPES)​

Decomposition in Lexical Access 
Juliana Novo Gomes (PosDoc – CAPES)
Profa. Daniela Cid de Garcia (UFRJ)
Profa. Marije Soto  (UERJ)
Julia Cataldo Lopes  (IC PIBIC)
Felipe Nascimento (PhD CNPq/ adivisors Alessandro Boechat & Aniela França) 

Grupo AJM / Sextas-feiras   às 10am (Brazil time)
(Aniela França (Linguística, UFRJ) / Juliana Novo Gomes (U. Minho) / Marije Soto  (Letras-Libras, UFRJ)
Projeto 1: combinações sintático-semânticas (ERP)

(*) The aTL as a locus of composition – evidence from English and Arabic.pdf
(*) EEG signatures of elementary composition: Disentangling genuine
composition and expectancy processes

(*) The interplay of composition and concept specificity in the left anterior
temporal lobe: An MEG stud
y  para 30/4
(*) How Does the Left Anterior Temporal Lobe Contribute to Conceptual Combination? Interdisciplinary  Perspectives para 30/4
Projeto 1: teste suporte 1  talvez por PCIBEX em duas línguas
menino esperto Vs smart boy (20 cong.)
menino assado  Vs  broiled boy (20 incog.)
de noite  Vs at night (20 fillers)
às vezes Vs at times
nunca antes VS never before
para 30/4 fazer 10 pares de portVs inglês
Projeto 1: teste suporte 2  talvez por PCIBEX em duas línguas
likert scale das incongruências


  1. Banana amarela    pleonástico
  2. Banana prata         tipo splash
  3. Banana verde        especificidade
    splash maior
  4. Banana gostosa     dimensão
  5. Banana xrt             sem
  1. Banana amarela
  2. Pele amarela
  3. Fruta amarela
  4. Muro  amarelo
  5. Bastante amarela

1. dente branco
2. dente canino
3. dente mole, careado,
4. dente limpo
5. dente XPtr

1. dente branco
2. cabelo branco
3. vestido branco
4. parede branca
5. pouco branco

  1. Árvore verde         pleonástico
  2. Árvore frutífera    tipo splash menor
  3. Árvore alta            especificidade splash maior
  4. Árvore bonita       dimensão irrelevante
  5. Árvore  xrt             sem combinação
  1. Árvore verde         pleonástico
  2. Maça   verde          tipo splash menor
  3. réptil   verde          especificidade splash maior
  4. livro     verde       dimensão irrelevante
  5. muito  verde             sem combinação


ppt – memorial

Infant Brain: Language Acquisition and other cognitions

Reading and Writing
​Isadora  Rodrigues de Andrade  (PhDStudent /CNPq)

Sammy Cardozo Dias (PhD Student)
Emily Silvano da Silva  (PhD Student / CAPES)
Clara Bueno Senechal de Goffredo (IC CNPq)
​Sarayane Miranda do Carmo Silva Costa (IC CNPq)
Juliana Novo Gomes (PosDoc)
Yolanda Marleny Banda (Mestrado)
Kedman Bessa Batista da Silva Leitão (MA Student)

Behavioral and  electrophysiological markers (N170  and N400) of the reading brain
Juliana Novo Gomes (UFPR)
Prof. Marije Soto  (UERJ)
​Ana Luiza Henriques Tinoco Machado (PhD Student/ CAPES)

Language Acquisition, ToM and other nascent cognitions, Videotech AA
​Kate Bárbara de Mendonça Leal (PhD student / CAPES)
Mayara de Sá Pinto (PhD student / CAPES )
Emily Silvano da Silva  (PhD Student / CAPES)
Clara Bueno Senechal de Goffredo (IC)
​Sarayane Miranda do Carmo Silva Costa (IC /CNPq)
​Isadora  Rodrigues de Andrade  (PhD student / CAPES )
Josilene Anjos  (IC undergraduate student/ FAPERJ)
MIlene Cupertino (IC undergraduate student/CNPq)
Adryanne Martins (IC undergraduate student)
Adriana Evangelista (IC undergraduate student)
Caroline Dantas (IC undergraduate student)
Naila de Oliveira Ferreira (IC undergraduate student)
Tainara da Silva Ottoni ​(IC undergraduate student)


Iconicity Vs Arbitrariness
​Kate Bárbara de Mendonça Leal (Doutoranda)
Mayara de Sá Pinto (PhD CAPES)
Emily Silvano da Silva  (doutorando)
Clara Bueno Senechal de Goffredo (IC CNPq)
​Sarayane Miranda do Carmo Silva Costa (IC CNPq)
​Isadora  Rodrigues de Andrade  (Mestranda CNPq)
Sammy Cardozo Dias (doutorando)
​Ana Luiza Henriques Tinoco Machado  (PhD Student/ CAPES)

Universal Grammar / Possible and Impossible languages
Mayara de Sá Pinto (PhD CAPES)
Alex de Carvalho (Université de Paris)​

The role of Neoteny in Human / Language Evolution
Prof. Thiago Oliveira da Motta Sampaio (UniCamp)
​Isadora  Rodrigues de Andrade  (MA student / FAPERJ Nota 10)
Profa Marije Soto (UERJ)

Interface Phenomena
Lenilson Luz de Menezes (CAPES) (anger and language)
Emily Silvano da Silva  (PhD Student / CAPES) (processing in the blind)
Marina Bedny (Johns Hopkins University USA) (processing in the blind)
Juliana Novo Gomes (UFPR – syntax-semantics)
​Kate Bárbara de Mendonça Leal (PhD student / CAPES) (Theory of Mind) 
​Alex de Carvalho (Université de Paris – Theory of Mind)​



Apoio da FAPERJ:  ​E_07/2020 – Prog. Educ. Digital Inclusiva – Apoio Instituições Públicas de Educação Superior – 2020 / Faixa B

This project is an initiative of Espaço Alexandria (EA), a transdisciplinary instance of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, directly linked to the Dean’s Office, and supported by the Colégio de Altos Estudos. It aims, specially, at the low-income university student, who struggles with social precariousness and lack of academic base inherited from the most basic levels schooling. The idea of the project is to subvert the logic of transferring great loads of knowledge from broad thematic lines to the students and offering them, instead, a high-level teaching about the universe and about life through the paradigm of active education. With the students’ own engagement, they will be able to rescue their agency to continue seeking their own desires, perspectives and alternatives. It is a project developed in 3 phases that will culminate with the presentation of the by-products developed by the students, in addition to a careful documentation of all the phases so that the project can be replicated and improved. Our biggest challenge is to implement this small revolution in Brazil’s largest federal university, with the fundamental aid of FAPERJ’s grant. Interdisciplinarity; digital inclusion; university; innovation

Aleria Cavalcante Lage 
Aniela Improta França Doutorado
Bruss Reboucas Coelho Lima 
Claudia Domingues Vargas 
Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal
José Otávio Motta Pompeu e Silva 
Luiz Bevilacqua Doutorado
Maira Monteiro Fróes